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With my PAX East ticket dangling from the kitchen chalkboard, it is now starting to sink in that a convention center full of people is in my near future. This might seem like an obvious realization I should have had when pressing the Purchase button, but some things aren’t real until they are knocking on your doorstep. And PAX is knocking.
As the pandemic is in its third year, people are probably more hesitant to sign themselves up for this kind of thing than before. Cons, concerts, and shows have been off-limits to us for the majority of that period. It’s surprising that the world isn’t shouting “Oil can, oil can” en masse. I want to chalk up the “oh shit” feeling to the reintegration of normalcy; however, this isn’t that kind of post. Even in normal times, I would be gearing myself up, telling myself [insert crowd event here] would be fine.
Why? I like my personal space, getting bumped, jostled, and occasionally rammed isn’t sympatico with that preference. Especially the frequency in which it seems to happen to me. For anyone else out there who hates not having their personal space, but can’t seem to stay away from events that don’t allow for personal space, I feel you. You are not alone.
I’ve tried using Adam as a shield to middling efficacy since people can always bump and jostle from behind, especially when whipped into a gaming frenzy. Luckily for the back of my knees, strollers are not allowed on the floor.
Pulling over to take a minute by the water fountains is a definite must. Not just for getting out of the fray, but staying hydrated while walking all of those miles is critical. I even take an extra time in the ladies’ to get a minute or two of uninterrupted space.
I know it doesn’t seem right to type, but one of the few good things about the pandemic was maintaining six feet of distance between other people. Good things must, of course, come to an end. And this is one of them, thanks to the dude in the Orlando Airport who elected to put his hands on my shoulder and back, moving me out of his way rather than using his words.
So will my pre-pandemic coping strategies will work in a quasi-post pandemic work?
If I were a betting person, I’d put my money on no. If for no other reason than everything and everyone has changed. Our tried and true Disney World strategies are in tatters; why would PAX be different?
I guess I will find out in a few days.
Any one out there have any tips and tricks to manage the personal bubble bust? Comment below!