Time Flies

Even with entertainment at a minimum, the calendar still manages to turn its pages. Pinning down what day it is can be tough for me some days, let alone what…

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Not What I Expected

At the beginning of March, my calendar of events started shrinking. Our list of places to go and things to do was quite substantial. We had baseball tickets and museum…

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One Good Deed

I abandoned my kitchen this week, probably for the best seeing as spring decided to give way to full summer. There was no need to heat the house with a…

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What To Talk About…?

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of talking about COVID-19. Exhausted just thinking about it. But the topics for conversation are limited right now since we're all doing…

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Happy Easter!

This might be the first time I've ever woken up to a house without candy in it twenty-four hours post-Easter Sunday. Partaking in the Easter candy clearance this year is…

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The Mad That You Feel

Rick Blaine said, in an attempt to do the right thing and send Ilsa back into Victor Laslo's arms, "the feelings of three little people don't amount to a hill…

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St. Patrick’s Day

Erin go braless! Wait, no. Not that. Where is the editor on this blog? Oh. That would be me. Sorry. Unless you're reading this after five. In which case, you…

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Five Ways to Combat Coronavirus Boredom

Coronavirus boredom. Everyone, just about, has had something canceled or postponed. I don't know about you, but uncertainty as to whether or not something planned for May is going to…

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Playing through PAX East

With the coronavirus circulating, heading to a large convention center full of people from around the globe might not seem like the best way to spend a vacation day. But…

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Who Are You Calling a Fake Nerd Girl?

Fake Nerd Girl. I laughed the first time I heard the term. A nonsense word the likes of Jabberwocky. I thought it the fluff invented on a slow news day…

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Valentine’s Day

Ahh...Valentine's Day. One of those holidays that seem made up by the candy companies, but isn't. The holiday's origin, like so many we celebrate, dates way back. For this holiday,…

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A Little Perspective

Hopefully, everyone read that in Anton Ego's voice. Alas, we aren't going to be dishing about food today. After the cupcake festival, I'm out on the culinary vein of life.…

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