9 Ways To Save Libraries

A 2017 Pew research study found millennials are the most likely generation to use public libraries. The generation that had reading drilled into us through Scholastic book fairs, the BookIT…



Cardiologists and fathers of teenage girls can agree that Burgertime packs a worthwhile message— Avoid sausages and never run out of pepper spray. Ok, maybe cardiologists wouldn't get on board…

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About That Local Economics Professor…

Facebook shows you many curious things and often makes you question everything you thought you knew about the world. On this episode of "The Shit I Read on Facebook," we're…

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The Show Must Go On!: Comic Cons in a COVID World

In a normal year, I'd be sitting down to pen an article about the delights and sights of a long weekend spent in Providence for Rhode Island Comic-Con. But we…

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Halloween Happenings

Halloween night is close at hand, friends. And I feel that it has been a subject discussed more this year than in years past. Is it canceled, or isn't it?…

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On the Corner of Nerdy and Gaslit

Boys won't like you if you're smarter than them. Who here has heard that old chestnut before? Or, if not that exact gem, something like it. I imagine a lot…

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Votes For Women!

The other weekend, Adam and I took a day to go out to Old Sturbridge Village. This outing marked the first time since COVID started where we spent any extended…

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Goal Setting

For those of you just tuning in, you've been lucky enough to miss out on me flaking on deadline after deadline the last few months. Sunday night would sneak up…

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A brand isn't just a logo or a sign. Labels, color schemes, fonts are pulled together to form symbols for people to recognize. That's not exclusive to the time spent…

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Serenity Now

After finishing Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, Adam and I started rewatching Firefly. He had only seen the canceled way too soon show maybe once or twice and wanted to revisit…

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An Abundance of Time

Another Sunday has snuck up and caught me unprepared for a Monday article. As the days and weeks stretch further into this new normalcy, it's getting harder to find subjects…

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Thoughts From The Side of The Road

I had Mamma Mia, Here We Go Again, playing as I puttered around my office/sewing room in an attempt to produce something creative. The scene where Lily James is sitting…

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